Category Archives: Solution
Regulator The Central Bank regulates financial services in Ireland. It regulates over 10,000 firms provide financial services in ...
Irish Legislation The Chemical Act 2008 and 2010 facilitate the administration and enforcement of certain EU regulations on chemicals ...
Cake and Eat It Any type of Brexit will reset the terms of trade between the UK and European Union. It will cause some types of UK to ...
Construction Product Rules There are harmonised EU wide rules on construction products standards. They include substantive rules about ...
Importer’s Obligations The primary responsibility for market surveillance rests with the manufacturer. The importer also has ...
Under the defective products legislation, a manufacturer can be liable for personal injuries and damages caused by a defective consumer ...
EU Wide Personal Data Rules The basic rules relevant to handling other people’s personal information, e-commerce and email marketing ...
An important aspect of membership of the European Union is that all member states are bound by the terms of the EU Treaty freedoms to ...
Market surveillance EU Regulation (EC No 765/2008) sets out requirements for accreditation and market surveillance relating to the ...
Accreditation EU Regulation (EC No 765/2008) sets out requirements for accreditation and market surveillance relating to the marketing ...
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