Prof Bus Serv Ireland

A service provider which is established in Ireland will retain the key EU freedoms to provide services throughout the European Union ...

Customs Obligations

Basic Customs Obligations It will no longer be possible simply to sell directly to a customer in another EU state. In order to bring ...

Trade in Goods

Brexit and trade in goods Although there is a lot of uncertainty about Brexit there are many key changes that will apply in most ...

Customs Possibilities

Brexit Scenarios If there is a so-called hard Brexit, then full customs and regulatory requirements will apply to goods imported from ...


Communications Regulation Background Communications in Ireland has been radically affected by European Union liberalisation rules. ...

Postal Services

Postal Liberalisation A 1997 Directive on the application of competition rules to the postal service required the opening of  the ...

Property Services Regulation

The PSRA The Property Services Regulatory Authority was established on a shadow basis in 2009.  It followed concern regarding the ...

Reformed Regulation

Reorganisation In the wake of the financial crisis, the Central Bank Reform Act 2010 established the Central Bank of Ireland as a ...

International Standards

Basel Accords The Basel Committee comprises the Central Bank governance of the larger nations. The committee publishes regulatory and ...

The Financial Crisis

Background to Financial Crisis The worldwide financial crisis which commenced in 2007 followed a period of over 10 years of relatively ...
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