Category Archives: Solution
The potential effect of Brexit in the agricultural and food sectors is profound. The default third country tariffs in the areas of ...
The Department of Agriculture is responsible for Policy advice and development on all areas of Departmental responsibility. ...
All goods are immediately in free circulation in the EU without controls on the origin and without requirements for import and export ...
After Brexit UK established manufacturers and distributors of goods who sell to the EU, will be subject to customs processes and may be ...
Business which establish a subsidiary or other sufficient presence in Ireland may offer services throughout the European Union from ...
Goods manufactured or assembled in Ireland in compliance, where required, with EU regulatory requirements will be thereby in free ...
EU-based distributors may sell their goods to any EU state without customs duties or import requirements on movements between member ...
Obligations about Quality In the case of consumer contracts, certain mandatory obligations of conformity with the description, quality, ...
Effect of Post-Brexit Customs Brexit is likely to dislocate existing EU trade with other EU states significantly. The barriers and ...
Customs Processes Every import of goods from the EU into the UK will first require an exit notice and export declaration to the customs ...
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